We frequently do cigar tastings. For these events we use our own cigars and we guide the participants through the smoking ritual. We start from the preparation of the cigar, cutting the cigar, lighting, drawing, profiling and to extinguishing and ending the cigar. This is a very popular cigar experience and makes for a very exclusive and special event. The duration of a cigar tasting is about 1 hr. and cost per participant is the cost of a cigar with a minimum fee applicable to cover travel costs.
Book NowOur Whiskey and Cigar pairing evenings have a reputation for being a very special experience! During these tastings, we provide each participant with one of our Santa Bras Cigars. This cigar is then tasted in the traditional manner whilst being paired with specially selected whiskeys that match the relevant taste profile of the cigar.
During the tasting we entertain guests with many facts and stories about both cigars and whiskey and the evenings always end with new friendships formed. Participants are always amazed at the level of skill required to smoke a cigar and about the complexity of the taste experience that can be achieved during a pairing. The duration of a tasting is about 2hrs. Cost per participant (which includes one cigar) is R250-00 with a minimum fee applicable to cover travel costs.
We also do pairing of cigars with wines. For this special experience we have our own preference of cultivars but are willing to experiment with your preferences as well!
The basic approach and costs as applicable to whiskey pairings will apply.